Instructions for Authors

General requirements

1. The manuscript must observe the following publishing requirements.

2. The first footnote must provide the following information: didactic or scientific title of the author, institutional affiliation, e-mail address.

3. Acknowledgment of originality of the work submitted for publication and of copyright rules according to the following form. The form must be filled, signed, and sent to the editorial board in pdf. format (download Agreement).

4. Submission of manuscript in electronic format (Microsoft Word, convertible), in Romanian or an international language. The editorial board accepts no more than one manuscript (study or article) from one author, except for the sections of discussions, reports, reviews or reading notes. The manuscripts shall be submitted by e-mail at the following address:

5. Each submitted manuscript must be an original contribution that has not been previously published. The journal does not accept translations of published works. When a work is accepted for publication, the author has the responsibility to insure that the manuscript will be withdrawn from any other publishers to whom the work was submitted.

6. The decision of publication or rejection of a manuscript belongs to the editorial board and editorial committee. Accepted manuscripts are further assessed by external reviewers who can propose one of the following procedures: 1. Acceptance for publication without changes. 2. Publication after the author has made the recommended changes. 3. Rejection (see Reviewing process).

Page settings requirements (download template)

1. Page format: B5 (17x24 cm).

2. Margins: top 2,5 cm, left 2 cm, right 2 cm, bottom 2 cm.

3. Page orientation: Portrait (except for annexes which require landscape orientation)

4. Mirror margins; Header: 1,3 cm; Footer: 1,5 cm; Different odd and even; Different first page.

5. Alignment and spacing: justified, single spaced; alignment of first line of paragraph at 1,25 cm, without pressing Tab.

6. Recommended fonts: Times New Roman, Garamond (11 p. for text, 9 p. for footnotes, 10 p. for abbreviations list, summary, annexes and illustrations’ texts.

7. The title shall be capitalized, centred, followed by name of author with small capital letters, and aligned to right.

8. Header: name of author with small capital letters, 10 p, centred, on even page); title of work, centred, normal characters, 10 p, (in case that it is long, the title can be shortened), on odd page, except first page). 

9. Pagination: page number, 10 p, bottom, centred, except first page.

Manuscript structure and size

1. The text should not exceed 15 pages (B5 size) or 7.500 words.

2. The list with bibliographical abbreviations (for sources and journals), should observe generally accepted forms.

3. Summary (up to 300 words), in Romanian (when appropriate) and English, followed by five keywords.

4. Make sure that annexes and illustrations are accompanied by explanations and their sources are indicated.

5. The total size of a study, with annexes or illustrations, must not exceed 20 pages (B5 size) or 10.000 words.

Requirements concerning the text

1. The text should observe the rules of the language of manuscript as regards: orthography of titles in references, person names, punctuation, positioning of footnote number in text, abbreviations style, etc.

2. Quotations exceeding one paragraph will be written with text of 10 p, indented to left at 1,25 cm.

3. For tables in text the text will have 10 p and fit into the page mirror. The same requirement applies to graphics and illustrations inserted in text.

Norms for references

1. For references shall be used footnotes (inserted automatically), observing the recommendations of The Chicago Manual of Style (, Notes and Bibliography. Since the journal does not use final bibliographical list, the first reference to a work must provide complete bibliographical information. Detailed information is provided in the following file (download).


1. The annexes should present the graphics, tables, texts (exclusively of unpublished sources) and others whose dimensions would make their integration into the text difficult.

2. It is not recommended to include in annexes of studies sizeable texts from unpublished sources.


1. May be published both black and white and colour illustrations (up to 8 plates). Publication of a larger number of colour plates can be paid (2 Euro or equivalent / plate).

2. Images must be of good quality, more than 300 dpi. Supported file types: bmp., gif., jpg., png., tiff. Photocopies are not accepted.

3. Images must be accompanied by explanations of the sources of provenience and the permission for publication (if applicable). For each of them has to be references in the text. Ex.: Fig. 1, or Pl. 1/a.