20/II 2016 (The Carpathian Basin)

Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Historica

Universitatea "1 Decembrie 1918" din Alba Iulia

ISSN 1453-9306 

20/II, 2016

Editor: Cristian Ioan Popa



Preface, pp. 5-8


Florin Gogâltan, Transilvania şi problema indo-europenizării. Paradigma românească, pp. 11-42

Lolita Nikolova, Was Genealogy a Powerful Cultural Construct in Prehistory?, pp. 43-50

Tünde Horváth, 4000-2000 BC in Hungary: The Age of Transformation, pp. 51-112

Cristian Ioan Popa, Vessels for Toasting? The “Sauceboats” of the Coțofeni and Baden Cultures and their Balkan-Aegean Connections, pp. 113-182

Aleksandar Bulatović and Aleksandar Kapuran, Cultural Contacts between Communities of Southwestern Romania and Central Balkans in the Fourth Millennium BC, pp. 183-201

Ion Tuțulescu, Cultural Interactions between the Coţofeni Culture and Surrounding Cultures in Oltenia During the Transition from the Eneolithic to the Bronze Age, pp. 203-216

Cristian Constantin Roman and Sorin Tincu, New Facts Regarding the Repertoire of Coţofeni Archaeological Sites on the Hunedoara Side of the Poiana Ruscă Mountains, pp. 217-232

Przemysław Makarowicz and Marzena Szmyt, Biały Potok Cemetery Revisited, pp. 233-261



Georgeta El Susi, Date arheozoologice inedite asupra locuirii Tiszapolgár de la Uivar (judeţul Timiş), pp. 265-288

Zoltán Katocz, Un vas din mediul culturii Bodrogkeresztúr de la Feldioara (jud. Brașov), pp. 289-306

Ioan Alexandru Bărbat and Marius Gheorghe Barbu, A Possible Late Eneolithic Tool Found at Tărtăria, Romania, pp. 307-334

Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici, Gheorghe Lazarovici, Atelierele de prelucrat bijuterii din Cheile Turzii: Peştera Binder. Epoca cuprului, pp. 335-357

Marius Gheorghe Barbu, Ioana Lucia Barbu, Antoniu Tudor Marc, Locuirea culturii Coţofeni de la Deva-Magna Curia, judeţul Hunedoara, pp. 359-379

Nicolae Cătălin Rişcuţa, An Copper Axe Discovered in Hărău (Hunedoara County), pp. 381-398


List of Abbreviations, pp. 407-413

List of Authors, pp. 415-416